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Mahmood Kapustin
Mahmood Kapustin

Glorantha Rune Quest 6 Pdf 11 |TOP|

In July 2011, The Design Mechanism, a company formed by Nash and Whitaker, announced that they had entered a licensing agreement with Issaries[13] and would be producing a 6th edition of RuneQuest. Released in July 2012, it was largely an expansion of Mongoose's RuneQuest II and aimed at providing rules that could be adapted to many fantasy or historical settings, and did not contain any specifically Gloranthan content (though it did use the Gloranthan runes).

Glorantha Rune Quest 6 Pdf 11

Although all adventurers have access to magic, for practical game balance purposes, an adventurer's magical strength is proportional to his or her connection to the divine or natural skill at sorcery. One of the innovations of RQG is that characters all have connections to the various runes of Glorantha, and these are used in the casting of magic. For instance, to cast an Ignite spell, creating a fire, the player would need to roll under his fire rune affinity.

In the March 1987 edition of White Dwarf (Issue 87), Peter Green reviewed a new hardcover version of the third edition, and generally liked it, although he did find "a few irritations", notably that reference was made to sections of the 1st- or 2nd-edition rules that no longer existed. He concluded by warning that "beginners should perhaps leave it until they are familiar with a more introductory system [...] Experienced players of other games will find much in Runequest to recommend it [...] it is superb value and well worth getting even if you never intend to play it."[24]

In the August 1987 edition of White Dwarf (Issue 92), Paul Cockburn reviewed Advanced Runequest, a streamlined version of the 3rd edition rules, and liked what he saw. He concluded, "It's a very good package [...] a very powerful roleplaying game, in a very accessible form."[25]

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The first thing to determine is one's Homeland amongst the six on offer: Sartar, Esrolia, Grazelands, Prax, Lunar Tarsh, and Old Tarsh. Each of them has associated Rune modifiers, cultural skills, cultural weapons and more, not to mention its own sociological world view. A character then creates a family history via answering a series of questions. First he chooses the family member with the highest impact on the adventurer's sense of identity. Then he determines, randomly or through a pick, the occupations of his parent and grandparent (which tend to be hereditary). Thirdly, he semi-randomly generates the events that they participated in through their lifetimes, in order to anchor them in the setting. I count 19 years with significant events from 1561 onwards. Each year has a variety of at least 5 different events, if not more. The adventurer then determines his Rune Affinities, by allocating 60%, 40% and 20% to three Elemental runes. Cultural modifiers will apply. When it comes to Power and Form runes, two will start at 75% (with their opposites at 25%) while the remaining ones will start at 50/50. The player may then spend an additional 50 points on his Rune affinities, always taking into account that Power and Form Runes work in pairs; if something goes up, its opposite goes down.

The next step is for a player to choose his adventurer's occupation. I am counting 17 occupations at this point, like Scribe, Warrior and Priest. Some of them have subtypes, like the warrior. A player then chooses a cult for his adventurer to worship. The adventurer must have a Rune that his deity favours at 50% at least. There are twenty cults available, each providing different bonuses in all sorts of things like skills, special rune magic etc. Each cult also has favoured passions and associated cults with which it finds it easier to work with.

The system is roll-under percentile, with additional elements like opposed rolls, etc. Perceptive players will notice that the d12 has been eliminated, thus the game no longer needs a standard roleplaying dice set. The dedicated RuneQuest Dice Sets that have already been published however include a dodecahedron. Damage is attributed to hit locations. Depending on its volume a member might get severed or a character might get instantly killed. Death might or might not be permanent. Heroquests can bring the dead back to life. There are also rules for chases (which reminded me of the Call of Cthulhu Keeper Rulebook Seventh Edition), natural conditions, diseases, poisons etc.

The next nine (!) chapters are devoted to Runes and magic, one way or another. Runes can augment skill usage if they are linked to the skill at hand. Interestingly, when a player is not sure how his character would have acted like, he can use runes casually in order to determine his predispositions. Passions are what inspires adventurers to act. I am counting six of them including love, loyalty and honor. A passion roll can be used to augment a skill, provided the GM agrees. Depending on how a character is played, he can gain passions during the game. The more a character starts tilting towards a rune or a passion (usually above 80%), the more rigid he becomes. This many necessitate either bringing down the offending characteristic, or using mandatory rolls to play the character. After all, you want the character to be controlled by you while his Reputation grows. In a world with as tightly-knit communities, reputation is paramount towards identifying people and for one to impress the other.

The final chapter, Between Adventures, is about the downtime and the gaining of experience. In a rather traditional fashion for percentile systems, skills increase upon usage. Training may also be obtained after finding an instructor, while characteristics may also be increased. Adventurers should participate in Sacred Time, a Gloranthan particularity including worship, the potential performance of a heroquest, harvest, aging, family, omens for next year and many more.

When it comes to picking out rules I like, I wouldn't even know when to start from. The violent principles behind combat (which you will soon learn that it is wise to avoid most of the time), shields and armour absorbing damage (instead of making one easier to hit), and the cheeky rule about your character becoming a stiff the better he gets with a rune or a passion are all rather obvious examples of design goodness. Most of these examples however have been seen before, no matter how impressive they appear when you create the legends of mythological heroes and demi-gods. Idem for what to do in-between adventuring, and how even that creates stories without too many things happening. None of those however would be what a hardcore gamer would notice. This role would fall upon the Passions, a design first created by Greg Stafford and used not in Runequest but in... Pendragon! You read that right; one of the basic design premises of one of the best RPGs of all time (I am talking about Pendragon now), was not initially devised for that RPG. The rule has come full circle, and finally honours the game it was meant to be in the first place. The emotions of Gloranthan heroes now fuel the game, blending myth, reality, rules and fluff to an indivisible whole. I am drooling as I am writing this. It is almost too good to be true.

This latest Runequest iteration is heavily supported already. We will visit shortly the Glorantha Bestiary as well as the Gamemaster Screen Pack, and these are just the beginning. On the other hand, those who care more about the fluff can take a look at the system-agnostic The Glorantha Sourcebook. It begs to be read and played in conjunction to the present game.

There are many things that didn't make it to the rulebook. As an example, there is no bestiary. If you wish to try the system out, there is no starting scenario. The heroquesting rules, widely anticipated for decades, did not make it to this volume. All these issues however are addressed in products that hit the market as we speak (or slightly later), so I am not worried about them in the least. As I stated at the beginning, I can't really comment on how this set compares to anything else but the 2nd Edition. I am certain that as with any RPG there will always be some failed expectations here and there, and some grognards who stick with their edition of choice because 'if it ain't broken don't fix it'. That is all fine, even though if you stumble upon a game you can easily convert your character from the 2nd and 3rd editions without much fuss. Yet, this is the best, and current, iteration of RuneQuest and Glorantha on the market. Don't be annoyed because product comes pouring out for it. Besides, if all this is comes out as too complex for your tastes, you can always play the Second Edition. It is still sold, you know.

To test the concept and the questionnaire we plan to use on our volunteers, Joerg interviews Ludovic, who actually only discovered Glorantha around the time the new RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha was released.


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